
(1 hours 31 minutes) Watch my presentation for Theodore Payne Foundation on the natural history, research methods, and conservation status of California bat species.

Science Friday Podcast: Which Animals Like Cities Most? Slugs And Snails Top The List.

(8 minutes) Listen to a recent episode of the WNYC Studios Science Friday podcast where I discuss my recently published study in PLOS ONE that aims to assess the associations of native species in Los Angeles to urban intensity.  Stream this episode wherever you find podcasts, including Spotify, Amazon Music, and Apple Podcasts.

CBS News 'Why Bats are Vital to our Ecosystem'

(2 minutes) I was covered on CBS News Climate Watch for my work on urban bats in Los Angeles. From the story: "Bats have often been called scary and spooky but experts say they play an important role in our daily lives. CBS News' Danya Bacchus explains why the mammals are so vital to our ecosystem and the threats they're facing."

Blue Dot Podcast: Education and research at the UC Natural Reserves System and National Parks

(55 minutes) Listen to a recent episode of the NPR Blue Dot podcast where my dissertation research on California quail genomics was featured. My segment starts at around 32 minutes. Stream this episode wherever you find podcasts, including Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Apple Podcasts.

Conservation of Urban Biodiversity: From Genomics to Animal Behavior

(1 hour and 5 minutes) Watch my job talk for a postdoctoral research position at the La Kretz Center for Conservation Science at UCLA. In the talk I share some preliminary findings from my dissertation research as well as work I've proposed for my postdoc.

Using Genomics to Assess the Impact of Roadways on California Quail (Callipepla californica)

(1 hour and 6 minutes) Watch my virtual presentation to the San Fernando Valley Audubon about the impact of roadways on quail genomes in Los Angeles. In this talk I share some preliminary results from my dissertation chapter studying quail genomics.

Catalina Island Conservancy Last Friday Lecture - Bats of Catalina Island

(49 minutes) Watch my presentation to the Catalina Island Last Friday Speaker Series about the "Bats of Catalina Island". In this talk I discuss introductory knowledge about bat life histories, what bats are present on Catalina Island, major impacts to bats globally, and what individuals can do to help conserve global bat species.

UCLA IOES Science Simply Discussion about Science and Storytelling 

(56 minutes) In this video I discuss the relationship between science and storytelling with Aaron Lemle, UCLA MFA Student, and Katherine Hernandez, UCLA IOES Ph.D. Student. The discussion also features an excerpt of an upcoming narrative film and collaboration between Aaron and myself entitled "Bat Boy".

Adaptive Management and Novel Methods for Controlling Invasive Crayfish in Southern California Streams

(59 minutes) Watch my presentation at Michigan State University where I discuss with my coauthors new methods of catching and removing crayfish from Southern California streams.

State of the ART: Using artificial refuge traps to control invasive crayfish in southern California streams

(16 minutes) Watch my virtual conference presentation for the INVASIVES 2021 Conference of the Invasive Species Council of British Columbia.

Bats of the Santa Monica Mountains: Ecology, Research Methods, and Conservation

(1 hour, 20 minutes) Watch a virtual talk I gave for the membership of the San Fernando Valley Audubon in September 2020 on bats of the Santa Monica Mountains.

Post-fire Water Quality Monitoring

(2 minutes) My water quality work was featured on Spectrum news following the 2018 Woolsey Fire.  Use the video link to the left to learn more!